Yesterday I took the meal to the new mom in our club. Thankfully I re-read the restrictions on the meals and I noticed they requested no mushrooms. I changed up the menu I was taking over since the spinach salad I like has mushrooms and decided to take meatloaf with mashed potatoes and a caesar salad instead.
I had met the new mom one other time at a dessert night we had at The Cheesecake Factory. I didn’t know her before that and when she walked in, I immediately new she was pregnant with twins. She was so slender and her belly was straight out. When I talked to her today, she let me know her final measurement was 55” around the belly. She was 36 weeks when I met her and she delivered at 39 weeks. Wow! I can’t image having a belly that big.
It’s so funny for me to talk to MoM’s who have made it full term. The aches, pains and just overall size they go through just to make sure they have two (or more) healthy, happy babies just amazes me. These women are so strong and amazing. I wish I could’ve been able to carry my boys as long as some of these wonderful women have.
I feel a bit guilty since I can’t relate and help them through this time when they have questions. For those that don’t know, I only made it to 29 weeks with my twins before I delivered. Full term for twins is 36-38 weeks. The most I measured was 28”. That is probably what a lot of people measure full term with one baby. Don’t get me wrong, now the boys are happy and healthy I don’t miss not growing that big, but I also would have liked to be able to carry them longer so they would have been born healthier and not have had to spend 7 weeks in the NICU before coming home. We are truly blessed the boys didn’t have more medical problems since they were 11 weeks premature, and we are so happy they have met all the goals of a full term baby before the 3rd birthday.
Speaking of our MoM’s club, I had to actually kick someone out of the club today. I never thought when I took this position I would ever have to deal with anything like this. I just don’t understand people sometimes. We did everything for this mom, including delivering meals 30 miles out of everyone’s way, and for some reason she has now turned against the club. She started bad mouthing members of the club as well as the club its self. The one thing I really want as president is to be sure this club is a positive experience for all the members. I had consulted our club's board about the developing situation a week ago and everyone agreed this is not a good thing. Then this morning I woke up to find an e-mail that just blew me away. I was hoping things would blow over but I guess it just wasn’t meant to be. I am sad about what occurred today but unfortunately I felt I didn’t have any other choice.
I’ll just say thanks now for listening to me vent about my club drama. Really, I hate drama and try to stay as far away from it as possible. I tell my hubby about things and he just tells me “you are a president of a club full of women, what do you expect”. LOL! I guess he’s right in a way. I just figured we are all adult enough now to handle things responsibly and respectfully. Oh well, I am not going to let it get me down. I am going to make this the best MoM’s club out there for all the members.
Now for today’s download, the 10th and final download of this kit. I am so honored so many of you are enjoying this kit.
I am going to take a few days off, but don’t fret I will be back. In fact, I will be back October 1st with two, yes two, collab’s. So get those hard drives ready!
I hope everyone has a great weekend and…
Happy Scrapping!
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Here is a preview of the kit. Some of the elements are not shown in the preview because they are the same elements in a variety of colors.

1 comment:
Thank you, loving this beautiful kit!!
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