Whoo! I can’t believe I almost missed this post. What would you do without daily ramblings about life with twins? (LOL!)
This should be nice and short since I have to get out and about this morning running errands. I’ve got two stores to hit and meals to pick up for a new mommy in our club and her family. The boys are going to hate me after today.
They used to be such good little shoppers. I could give them snacks and they would sit so quietly in the stroller, and now they hate shopping. I guess that was to be expected being they are 2 ½ year old boys, but I sure do miss the days of quite shopping. About the only thing I can bribe them with now is banana nut bread from Starbucks. I guess I will be having a latte or two tomorrow, which of course mommy never minds having to have.
I thinking for the meal I’m going to pickup ingredients for chicken alfredo and spinach salad. That should be some good calories for a new mommy of twins. What’s this meal thing you ask? When a member of our multiples club has her little ones, we ask other members of our club to volunteer to bring her and her family meals so they have more time to bond with their new additions and adjust to life with multiples. We try to get two weeks or more of meals donated and usually have no problem having enough volunteers to accomplish that. Thanks GCMoMmies!
We are now to Day 8 of the daily download. Thank you all for the wonderful comments. I am reading all them and I am so happy so many of you are enjoying this kit.
Have a great day and…
Happy Scrapping!
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Here is a preview of the kit. Some of the elements are not shown in the preview because they are the same elements in a variety of colors.

This is beautiful Stacy. I love the door knocker, but 4shared says the link is broken. Have tried several times. I will be back later to try. What a great group of ladies to provide the new mom's and their families 2 weeks of meals!!
Thank You very much for sharing another part of this beautiful kit!!
This is a great poost
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