I used two of the cute animal templates created by Deb at The Scrappin’ Cop to make the cookies and also an empty jar she created to hold a few yummy goodies. You can find these along with a variety of other cute commercial use templates, styles, patterns, overlays and much more on her blog. Stop by and check her out!
We have designers participating from all different time zones, all over the world, so if their part isn't posted yet, please be patient and keep checking back. Links will be available until Halloween, so there is lots of time to download yourselves silly.
Happy Scrapping!
Sorry this link has expired.

A Zone for Digiscraps
Adventures in Scrapland
Andrea Whitt
Ann (mumsy)
Arvita Elam
Blind Sight Designs
Burkhart Scrapzone (Michaele)
Buzybee (Penny)
by God's design
Carolyn Ritter
City Scribe Scraps
Creative Digital Scraps by Chiara
Deanna at Flower Scraps
Deb aka The Scrappin Cop
Doodle's Designs
Erika {aka PinkuPixie}
jeanniebs designs
Jody of Munchkyn Scraps
Judith of Just Another Scrap
Kalo Designs <--- You Are Here
Kathy Goldstein Designs The Scrap Loft
Krystal of Scraps Sealed with a Kiss
Late Night Scraps
Linda's Dream Designs
Lynn of Heavenly Crafts
Mags at MagsGraphics
Manda at Disaster In Designs
Mandy at Scraps With Spunkitude
Mardesia at Crafter's Boutique
Melanie aka Sweetasmel
MJ at My Sweet Tater
Monica at Random Inspirations
Nadine at Scrappinmamma's Digitals
Scrappy Cats at Moving ON
Shabby Tagger
Shannon of ScrappyShannon
Shel at Shel Belle Scraps
Silver Fae (aka Karen J)
Stacey Crossley
Teri at TerisThingOMyJigs
Three Bright Lights Design
Just visiting my neighbors and leaving some love!
this is wonderful. thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for your contribution to this "sweet" kit! :-)
Thanks for sharing your awesome talent!
Thank you so much, adorable!
Thanks so much for the sweet goodies!
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