I hope every enjoyed their last weekend of summer.
Saturday we went to our friend Lee’s house for an end of summer party. It is always nice to be around good friends, good food and good fun.
One of Lee’s brother-in-laws is a self-proclaimed king of bbq’d oysters. I wasn’t sure at the beginning of the party if I was up for trying oysters but get a little beer in me and I guess I’ll try anything. He bbq’d the oysters in their shell with some butter and garlic then served them with a bit of chile sauce on top. Mmmm, Mmmm, Mmmm! Those were so delicious I couldn’t get enough of them.
Hubby had the opportunity to relive his Chico College years by playing a game of beer pong with the youngin’s. LOL! He is so competitive so I new it would be no time before he joined in a game. Hubby and his teammate Chris were winning in the beginning but then the youngin’s came back to win in the end.
The boys had a blast at the party. There were so many kids for them to play with. The boys also had the opportunity to play with Lego’s for the first time. Not the big Duplo type for little kids but the itty bitty big kid Lego’s. Once they found those we didn’t see them for the rest of the night. This was a nice break for Mommy and Daddy so we could have some adult social time.
Sunday was nice and quite for us. We picked up the boys Halloween costumes and spent the rest of the day at home relaxing.
Today, I am going back to work for the first time since the boys were born. I am so happy to be returning back to my previous employer who I just adore. She is offering me hours that will work around my husbands schedule so we don’t have to find child care for the boys, which would probably cancel my paychecks if we did (LOL!). Even though I am returning to my all time favorite employer, I am still a bit nervous for some reason. Oh well, I guess that is just a normal feeling and I’m sure once I get in there and we start chatting again all will be good.
We have a pretty busy week this week with work, play dates and club activities, but I will definitely get the last parts of the kit posted each day beginning with Day 6 today.
Today’s download includes another button from Deb at The Scrappin’ Cop collection. To download her button collection or any other of her fabulous freebies, visit her blog here.
Happy Scrapping!
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Here is a preview of the kit. Some of the elements are not shown in the preview because they are the same elements in a variety of colors.

1 comment:
Very nice kit - I have liked all the downloads. You are gifted. TFS Hugs!!
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