Friday, September 12, 2008

Who’s Who and a Big Thank You

I would love to get to know some of my regular readers a bit more. I have so many questions I would love to ask and please, feel free to ask me any questions you might have for me. Just leave me a comment or send me an e-mail (you can find this in my profile).

Rottie Mom – Do you really have rotties? I have a 10 year old male named Buddy. I adopted him when he was 2 years old from the local shelter before realizing he had been severely abused by his previous owners. With lots of love, he has become the best dog ever. He is awesome with our boys. I will never find another dog like him.

Linda W – Are you bobbysgirlforever? Just curious. If you are, I will feel like the luckiest designer ever. If not, I still would love to learn a bit more about you. I see your name a lot on my 4shared and I am honored you are enjoying my kits.

C from Paris – Did I also mention I am the president and web admin for a non-profit club supporting mothers of multiples. I don’t know how I do it either but I know hubby is always asking “Are you on that darn computer again” LOL! Guess I just can’t sit still. How is it downloading from designers in America? Is there anything that I could do to make it easier for you? I know I visit some other sites where designers reside in different countries and, because I’m not well educated in different languages, I sometimes have difficulties.

Jesse7 – Are you still up for trading little ones? LOL! Remember, I have two that are almost 3 yrs. old. Oh, and they are not potty trained yet. You would be going back to stinky, icky diapers. LOL! We’re going to try the potty training after summer mellows out a bit. I am really hoping to have the set before they are 3 yrs. old.

Lezlee – I’m going to work on getting some more recipes up and posted. I have just run out of time this week with all the MoM’s club’s dealines. Don’t worry, I didn’t forget you. :) If you have any recipes you want to send I can upload them and get them posted here on my blog.

Sandy – I know so much already. LOL! But, if there is anything you think your brother hasn’t told me yet I would love to hear it.

My other faithful readers Judy, mmikes, Charmed by Gorjuss, echoes, Diana, Grandma Jeannie, Happy, Uta, fl_connie, Pattycakes and anyone else I may have missed, I would love to get to know all of you a bit more too.

I see all your names regularly and I thank you for all your comments and I am honored that you are downloading my kits. I am fairly new at designing and I am still learning so much as I go. I hope to continue to bring you many more freebies so you can preserve your most precious memories.

Again, thank you all for your support!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You actually read your comments! It was so unexpected to see my name there on your blog (yep - I read it!) You create and share lovely kits - and I do appreciate it so much! I always try to say at least thanks when I download something, but sometimes - I hate to admit it - I'm awake & in pain in the middle of the night, and I just download. :( Thanks again - and ((hugs)) to you! 2-year-old twins - oh, my! :)

Anonymous said...

I love the things you make and am so appreciative of your generosity. You rock!
A little about me...mother of 3 boys, grandmother of 5 with one on the way! Can't wait, this on will be closer...the others live in Minnesota and Texas and we live in South Dakota, so don't get to see them as often as we would like. I work in a quilt shop and dabble in anything least once!! Got hooked on Digital Scrappin 2 years ago! Addictive!!
Thanks for all you do for us. I know it takes a lot of work, and want you to know I appreciate it and you!

Anonymous said...

lol awww Come on lets try a trade :) Could you handle a 13 year old girl who thinks shes 30 lol. Well ok she thinks shes at least 20. grrrrrrrrr And my baby is now 6 booo hoooo lol My middle one is 11 and I feel 100 most days.
You will do fine at potty training. Once you start, just don't back off.
Love reading your blog and love your designs.
Have a wonderful weekend.